
I want to wake up in that city, that city that doesn't sleep

Wednesday, December 8, 2010


Hello! Welcome to my Blog. In a few days I am going to New York with a friend of mine (Wies) for school. Because we are on a biliguar school, we got the opportunity to go abroad for an internship. We chose to go to New York, our dream city. In New York we are (off course) gonna do a lot of sight-seeing. But since this trip is not only meant as a vacation, we want to get into the music buisness in NYC. We want to interview managers, producers, bands and just see what is going on in the music bizz. Together with my dad, having lived in NYC and being very familiar with the music buisness, we'll visit all these people.
This blog is supposed to be my diary and report on my internship/trip to New York. I'll tell you everyting about our trip.  I'll upload pictures, movieclips and reports everyday (if I am not too tired from shopping :p).
From the 12th of december till the 26th I'll be in NYC. Follow this blog to keep up with out trip and our experiences.

xoxo Eva

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