
I want to wake up in that city, that city that doesn't sleep

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Day at the museum

Great, we just wrote about our whole day and the computer plug pulled out. EVERYTHING GONE. AAARGH :/

Well (again), today we woke up very early. At 7:15! We ordered an extra mattress for Christina last night, so she could sleep here too. After we woke up we had breakfast at a cafĂ© just around the corner. The weather was a little bit better then yesterday but it was still verrrry cold. 
Because it was so cold outside, we decided to go somewhere warm. So we took a Subway to the Museum of Natural History. That is the museum where the movie 'Night at the museum' is filmed. We recognized a lot. We saw the huge dinosaur, mammals, African Indian peoples, human evolutions, meteorites, minerals, diamonds, elephants, a verrrry happy turtle (see picture), birds, sabeltooth-tigers, basicly all animals. 
We made a very funny movie in the dinosaur room. We filmed the whole dinosaur while I'm jumping in front of the camera (which btw looks totally ridiculous). We also talked to a guy over there. He told us that only the dinosaur's head weighs ten thousand pounds. He also mentioned that the dinosaur was 90 % real bone, that is pretty amazing. He said the dinos were very good at what they do. But we saw a mistake. Their arms are sooooo short. We saw a preview of a movie once where they said: 'My head is to big, and my arms are too small' (in Dutch it's also funny, it was originally in Dutch: Ik heb een te groot hoofd, en te korte armpjes. hahahahahahahah :p). It really looks pathetic.
But.. we did something very dumb. When we were getting ready to leave, we (Wies and me) still had to get our coats. We wanted to take a different route upstairs because we hadn't been there yet. We took a sort of stairs without steps all the way up. It was like a very long spiral slope. It was pretty hard to run up there so we were exhausted. Once we got upstairs, we saw a very disappointing sign... NO ENTRY. Great! We just completely exhausted ourselves for nothing. ABSOLUTELY NOTHING. We had to laugh so hard that we couldn't stand up straight anymore. It even made Wies fall on the floor. Haha.
Downstairs we found a place where we could make a movie and send it to our friends and family. It was a movie of us in a space suit. It looks very funny because there are two heads in the suit. So a two headed astronaut haha. Again, we did something dumb. We didn't know that there were also microphones. We realized that after the first movie we made. So it looks very stupid. The second movie is even stupider because we knew we could talk but we only said 'Hallo, hoi' a couple of times. How stupid is that. I mean... jeez haha. We'll post those movies too.
When we were walking back to the hotel, our feet started to hurt real bad. We had walked so much in the museum and the previous days. Back at the hotel we were so happy to lay down and rest our feet. 
For dinner we ordered some burritos. They delivered it at our hotel room. And fast! They were here in like two seconds (ok, a bit longer ^^). They were very good but verrrryyyy filling. I'm so full now! 
Well, that was pretty much our day. We never know what the next day brings us. So you'll just have to find out tomorrow.

Here are the (dumb) movies from the museum haha: 

Here are some pictures we made:

 a camel? in the middle of Times Square?

 23 degrees?! (kiddin')

 (ja dat moest gewoon even)

prffff XD

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