
I want to wake up in that city, that city that doesn't sleep

Friday, December 17, 2010

Forever 21

Today we also woke up very late. We got some bagels and waited for Christina. But when she called it was already half past 2. So we went up to meet her at Union Square. She was with a friend of hers and wanted to go in a shop. We went into Forever 21. OMG, what a great shop. We've been in there for 3 hours or something. I had like 16 clothes to try on. The store was HUGE. We went into the dressing rooms, but we were only allowed to try on 6 pieces each time so that made things a bit complicated. At the end we bought some very cool stuff. When we got out of the dressing rooms, it was already dark outside. That was weird XD.
After all that shopping, Christina continued shopping with her friend and we went to the hotel. Back at the hotel I rushed to the computer to go on Skype and talk with my very sweet boyfriend who I miss verrryyyy much (L). (I love you).
Tomorrow we're gonna go to Brooklyn. The hippest place in the world, they say. In the evening we're probably gonna go out to dance with Christina so that's gonna be fun.
Check my post tomorrow!

xoxo eva

ow and p.s. We're not going to take pictures of the stuff we buy anymore, that is just too much work haha. You guys can see it when we get back home. :)

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