
I want to wake up in that city, that city that doesn't sleep

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Brooklyn (18-12-10)

Yesterday we went to Williamsburg in Brooklyn. We didn't feel like writing yesterday so that's why we didn't post anything. Brooklyn is great! It is so funny to suddenly see the sky again. The buildings in Brooklyn are way shorter. On almost every building is graffiti. Very cool graffiti (we'll post some pictures). We went into a lot of vintage stores. So, of course, I bought a blouse (Ralph Lauren!), two pairs of shoes (pumps and ankle boots), a bag and a present for mama. Their was this one place in between two buildings with a fence in front of it, and there were like 6 dogs running around in there. That was very funny. And then we saw a guy feeding 3 cute cats. We went to a park near the river so we could see Manhattan from the other side of the river. It looked amazing! We put a coin in the binoculars so we could zoom in on the buildings and see everything that was going on, on the other side of the river. We could also see the Brooklyn Bridge. We also went into a crazy store with bags made out of chips bags and newspaper. After that we met up with Christina and had a bagel. Oh and we also had some Thai Noodles before that. We went to one more vintage store but my dad was getting tired of shopping so we went back to the Subway.
We had dinner in Little Italy at an Italian restaurant called Rocco's (very mafia like) with Kenny, which is a very nice friend of my dad's. He was one of the Testor's drummers. We had a very nice dinner. I had square spaghetti XD
Then we went to a small café in Brooklyn called 'Goodbye Blue Monday'. The toilet over there was full of stickers, that really looked cool. The first band was kinda weird and sucked but the second band was pretty good. I sort of liked them. The café had a lot of funny details. For example it had an umbrella over a light which gave a cool light effect. But we got too tired and went back to the hotel.
It is so funny how areas so close to each other are so different from each other. Brooklyn looks just like a normal city, not with the massive buildings. But it is also looks different with all the graffiti and funny things so see around you (like the dogs). But where the café was (also in Brooklyn) looked totally different again. It looked more like the poorer part so a lot of cafeterias and small kiosks.
When we got back we watched the end of 'Meet the parents' on video :p
That was what we did on Saturday. Ohh noooo, my hair band broke... grrr.
Oh btw, I forgot to tell something (actually two things). When we were on our way back to the hotel, we saw a hip-hop show in the  Subway train. There were two guys doing all sorts of tricks while the train was going. It was very good. And yesterday we saw lots of cute squirrels in the Union Square park. This guy was feeding them peanuts. They were so close, one bit my dad and one hung on my arm. They're soooooo cute!!
There are some things over here that just aren't likely in Holland. When you go out to have dinner, they fill our glass with water alllllll the time. As soon as the glass is not 100% full anymore, they fill it again. So we have to pee a lot haha. Also a lot of times it smells like waffles. But actually, it isn't waffles we smell, but roasted nuts. You can find those on each corner of the street over here. The (put) are weird, smoke comes out of them. That looks crazy because it seems like the sewage is so disgusting and chemical that it causes chemical clouds. There are lots and lots of other things too. Just small details that are so different then what we are used to.
That was the story of Saturday! xoxo eva
We made some pictures again, so here they are:

 (look at the shoes)

 on the other side of the river

 Brooklyn Bridge

 Some Barbie laying around randomly next to the trash

 (for Robin. they had Puchs everywhere in Williamsburg)

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