
I want to wake up in that city, that city that doesn't sleep

Thursday, December 23, 2010


Wednesday we went ice-skating at Rockefeller Centre. We had to wait in line for a long time and everyone was cutting trough which made it very frustrating to stand there and wait. When we finally got in we had to rent some ice-skates. It was very busy because everyone was putting on or taking of skates. We got our skates on and went on the ice. But Wies had her ticket in her wallet and my dad had her wallet so we had to go back. At first we sucked in ice-skating but later on we got a lot better. I could go backwards and do twirls. There was this one guy that could do figure-skating. It was amazing! He was so good. That always makes me jealous. I always wish that I would be very talented in something and nobody knows it and then suddenly you can do it so insanely good that everyone is shocked. :)
We skated for like 2 hours and then we had a snack at five guys (the most delicious hamburger place). Then we went to St. Marks to get our nails done and our haircuts. We got our nails done for 11 dollars. I got French Manicure, Wies got gel nails with grey nail polish and Christina got pink nail polish. Then we went to this cheap haircut place. They did haircuts for 12 dollars! But it was sort of weird because the guys were Russian and I am always used to be cut by a woman. Then we met up with Kenny (a friend of my dad's) and Christina, dad and Kenny had a beer at an Irish Pub. Dad found a very cheap pizza place (2 slices and a drink for 2.75) so we got that.
Back at the hotel we were so tired so we couldn't write anymore. We watched a movie and then we fell asleep.

Here are some pictures:


 five guys food (sorry Jard, ik heb niks voor jou overgelaten :p)

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